Basingstoke Lions Variety for Charity Season 2023/4

Barn Dance

Barn Dance

with the band


Friday 28th June 2024

Royal British Legion, Old Basing

RG24 7DN

(See Events Calendar for more...!)

For some years The Lions Club of Basingstoke have been presenting entertainment at local venues as a major fundraiser to help good causes in the immediate vicinity and beyond. A large audience has been established over time reflecting the popularity of the type of light entertainment provided and the low price charged for a good night out. We have an interesting and varied programme of shows in 2023.  See our Events Calendar.

All proceeds go to deserving causes in the locality as identified by the Welfare Committee of The Lions Club.

Tickets for all shows are available by clicking "Buy Now" on this website to purchase via Paypal, or from Tony Bamberger on 01256 850254 or Email

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